Marketing Assistant
Our social media channels and this website are a visible representation of work that happens within York Region Economic Development, but there is even more work being done you don’t see. For every project we undertake there is a lot happening behind the scenes. This includes dealing with vendors, legal requirements, sourcing news and events, overall project management, and a myriad of other work that contributes to our goals outlined within the York Region Economic Development Action Plan.
Our next team spotlight features a member of the team that’s been with us for over a decade! Nadia Sacco is a Marketing Assistant that handles a variety of work behind-the-scenes, in addition to, being one of the voices contributing to our social media channels.
As an integral part of the team, we were curious to pick her brain and get her perspective on what she does to support our goals and businesses across York Region.

As a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, help our audience understand what you do within the team.
I am responsible for assisting in the implementation of investment attraction and job retention marketing activities while promoting York Region as the place where talent and opportunity intersect. This involves being one of the voices behind the York Link social media channels, assisting with updates to the website, supporting the design and production of York Link marketing material, and coordinate the development of new visual content.
I am also responsible for coordinating the program procurement and supply process, which includes vendor, legal, and risk management.
You do many different things on any given day, what’s one of the favorite parts of your role?
I enjoy the variety of work and the opportunity to work with multiple team members on numerous projects – no two days alike!
When you’re not busy in the office, how do you like to spend your time?
Traveling is one of my favorite hobbies. I love visiting friends and family, seeing historical sites, and experiencing new cultures. Throughout my life I have been blessed to travel to a variety of different places around the world. To date, I have been to 5 continents, 20 countries, 4 provinces and 10 states.
One of the quotes I try to live by is from Oscar Wilde, “live with no excuses and travel with no regrets.”
Before we let you go, what’s something notable about yourself that you haven’t mentioned yet?
I am a Leaf-a-holic. I live and breathe the Toronto Maple Leafs during the hockey season. The Leafs have taught me stress management and how important it is to relax and take a deep breath. Go Leafs Go!