When you hear the words economic development what does it make you think of? For some they might have no idea – and that’s okay – and for others they might be well-versed on the ins-and-outs of attracting businesses, supporting businesses, and everything else that goes along with it.

Marketing Communications Assistant
No matter which side you fall on when it comes to understanding economic development, our new blog series aims to increase your knowledge of our team and how we can help. This includes learning about the people here and the jobs they do that go into supporting York Region businesses, the development of business-focused infrastructure, and more.
Over the coming months, we’ll be highlighting team members that make York Region’s economic development team what it is today.
Our first team member spotlight focuses on a team member that will only be with us for a relatively short period of time, but has had a significant impact on our social media and original content generation. Her name? Lusa Harris, a summer student who joined us in early May as a Marketing Communications Assistant and will be leaving the Region at the end of the month to continue her goal of achieving her Master’s Degree in Communications at the University of Ottawa.
We asked if she’d answer a few questions for us, and much like everything she’s done with us so far, she jumped at the chance with great enthusiasm.

Can you briefly describe your role?
I’m a Marketing Communications Assistant working at the Region for the summer! My role includes writing blogs and developing content for social media aimed at sharing York Region’s business, tech, and innovation ecosystem. I also assist with background research for projects and was given a lead role on a market research project that will help our communications moving forward. All the while, trying to learn as much as I can about communications and marketing related to the world of economic development.
What is your favorite part of the job?
My favorite part of the job is getting to learn so much about local tech and businesses. Before this role I didn’t have much of a background in anything tech-related, it’s been great to learn a ton about it. As well, I really enjoy writing social media content, it’s interesting to see what works and what doesn’t in marketing. You never really know how people will engage with your material!
Outside of work, what is one of your favorite activities?
Outside of work I love going longboarding. It’s a nice way to get around and I usually meet with some of my other longboarding friends so we can travel together. I started skateboarding when I was 13 and switched over to longboarding at 15, now at 21, I prefer it way more!
For our readers, what’s something notable about yourself?
I just graduated from my undergraduate in international development and globalization! While it was a COVID convocation (aka “crossing” the stage via my living room in front of a TV) it was definitely memorable and I’m excited for the next chapter.

Interested in reading some of Lusa’s work during her time here with the team? Check these out these blogs and make sure to follow York Link’s social media: