“This strategic partnership with LeaseBusters is rooted in our deep desire to transform the decades old, antiquated process into a more efficient, streamlined practice that is in line with what consumers expect in today’s marketplace,” says taq president John Currado. “This new venture will facilitate a level of consumer convenience not yet experienced in the lease transfer space, bringing it into the 21st century”.
This collaboration will see LeaseBusters leverage taq’s state-of-the-art dx technology. This solution, the only one of its kind in the Canadian marketplace, contains functionality that takes the end-to-end lease transfer process to a fully digital experience for both the buyer and seller, eliminating the need for any paperwork. Credit link and co-app link features enable convenience for the buyer during the initial lease transfer stage; digital document and e-signature capabilities round out the end process with efficiency and accuracy.
Full Article: businesswire.com