The City of Vaughan has partnered with Vaughan Public Libraries (VPL) and ventureLAB to establish a new innovation space in Vaughan, strengthening the City as a place where entrepreneurs and small businesses can flourish and grow. To commemorate the establishment of this new resource, the partners will host a virtual ribbon cutting for ventureLAB’s new satellite location at the Pierre Berton Resource Library. The event will take place on Wednesday, July 14 at 10 a.m. at vaughan.ca/live.
With the support and space provided by VPL at Pierre Berton Resource Library, ventureLAB will leverage this new entrepreneurship development site to further support Vaughan-based entrepreneurs with technology-driven programs and services. Citizens and businesses will be able to utilize the space as the City progresses through Step 2 of the Province of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopening, with capacity restrictions in place. Eventually, the space will be fully active as a place where entrepreneurs can co-work, connect with other innovators, access advisory support, and attend workshops and other events.