The cutting edge of manufacturing innovation is sometimes literally about cutting edges. Take, for example, the robotic plasma cutting cells developed by Prodevco, a subsidiary of Vaughan-based structural steel fabricator Burnco Manufacturing. Powered by a highly intelligent piece of software, Prodevco’s smart robotic cells automate structural steel fabrication tasks traditionally done manually
“Consensus in the industry is that if you don’t own one of these systems in the next five years, you may be out of business,” Erwin Terwoord, head of business development at Prodevco, says. As Terwoord tells it, steel fabricators need to evolve in order to overcome challenges posed by a tight skilled labour market and raw material supply and price headwinds. “Investing in automation is the most viable option to increase production capacity, reduce costs, bid on more projects and grow,” he says.
Full Article: trilliummfg.ca