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Postmark grand opening

‘Cherished landmark’: Postmark Hotel marks grand opening on Main Street Newmarket

Newmarket's new boutique hotel marked its years-long journey of restoration, renovation and construction with a ribbon cutting and celebration on October 3.
Postmark grand opening

The Postmark Hotel marked its years-long journey of restoration, renovation and construction on Newmarket’s historic Main Street with a grand opening celebration yesterday.

The ribbon was cut at the entrance-way steps of the former 1914 post office, with the iconic clock tower perched above, by Newmarket Mayor John Taylor and council, Newmarket-Aurora MPP Dawn Gallagher Murphy, Daniel Bernstein, president of Archive Hospitality Group, Robb Dalgleish, associate director at DREAM , and Avi Wulfand, general manager of The Postmark Hotel.

Full Article: newmarkettoday.ca