Richmond Hill headquartered Lullaboo has expanded to nine locations across the province, and has several additional locations under construction.

Small Business (page 5)
Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program | COVID-19 Funding Spotlight
Qualified small to medium-sized Canadian businesses can receive from $25,000 to $1 million in HASCAP loans, and larger organizations with multiple locations such as a chain of restaurants or hotels can receive up to $6.25 million in funding support.
Ontario Expands Eligibility for Main Street Relief Grant
The Ontario government is expanding the number of small businesses that can apply for the Main Street Relief Grant to help offset the costs of purchasing personal protective equipment (PPE) to cautiously and gradually reopen in parts of the province. Small businesses with 2 to 19 employees in all eligible sectors
Success Story: Doorr
Doorr is a digital lending platform designed for the mortgage industry. They help mortgage brokers, financial institutions better connect and collaborate with their clients. Watch and learn how the York Small Business Enterprise Centre supported their business.
Why WordPress is Ideal for Small Business Websites
WordPress currently powers over one-third of websites on the internet which includes sites such as personal blogs, corporate websites and large-scale ecommerce platforms.
WordPress currently powers over one-third of websites on the internet which includes sites such as personal blogs, corporate websites and large-scale ecommerce platforms.
Success Story: Gordon Wood Optical
Discover how Gordon Wood Optical leveraged the services of the YSBEC to support their business growth during the challenges of COVID-19.